Formative quiz

Submitted by aniko.makkai-k… on

The "Formative Quiz" is an activity that is articulated in 2 steps, repeated (ideally) 3 times. This method is quick (6 minutes each) and fun, requires little preparation, and allows :

  • the learner to position him/herself in relation to the content
  • the teacher to situate the group in its pre-acquired knowledge,
  • to legitimise the learning time that follows and also to give it a rhythm, through a repeated ritual that encourages memorisation,
  • to measure the gap, the progress, throughout the learning process
  • Group size: Small Group, Medium Group, Large Group
  • Equipment needed: Questionnaire of 4 questions
  • When: During Lecture, In Classroom
  • Work by: Individual, Small Groups
  • In order to: Approach a content, observe acquisition 
  • Lenght: ≤20 min (6 min each)
  • Keywords: Activity, Positioning, Games, Memorization, Quizz, Collaboration


Example (for a 2 hour session):

The teacher plans 4 questions: 

- 3 related to the content you will cover in the first hour: 

o 1 "easy" (which everyone should be able to answer), 

o 1 "medium", 

o 1 "difficult" (which no one should be able to answer), 

- and 1 other "difficult" one, related to the content of the second hour. 

At the beginning of the session, the teacher displays the first 3 questions one after the other, leaving 1 minute to answer each time. 

Once finished, the teacher returns to the first question and asks for the answer from the audience without explaining it. For each answer, the teacher can take two or three different answers and assess the number of respondents for each (e.g. by show of hands). 

In the middle of the session, the teacher re-launches a quiz with the two previous questions (the "average" and the "difficult") and adds the "difficult" question relating to the second hour. The answers are given in the same way as before. 

At the end of the session, the teacher asks the two "difficult" questions, always one after the other and always with 1 minute each time, but this time, cooperation with one's neighbours is allowed.

This time, the validation time must allow for exchanges and explanations, leaving the priority of the latter to the learners.